
  • Introduction to Epigenetic Leadership

    There is no need to have a deep scientific understanding of epigenetics to attend any of our events. All that’s required is the desire to become more a more conscious leader who cares about your impact on others. And you’ll learn a bit about epigenetics along the way.

    Epigenetic Leadership is an advanced, complex leadership theory. If you’d like a brief overview to find out more information before you schedule a seminar or foundry, this introduction is a one-hour prologue to the complete presentation. After the hour-long presentation, I will be available for additional questions, feedback, and comments.

    There’s no doubt you’ll leave this session with more questions than answers. I’ll also give you some introductory methods to start implementing Epigenetic Leadership immediately.

    If you’d like to schedule a Introduction that’s not already on the schedule, contact me!


  • One-day seminar (6 hours)

    Leaders must first craft a mindful sense of self in order to effectively lead others. Much of our self-growth is done in areas of out of our comfort zones. To truly understand your impact, you must be willing to make a lifelong commitment to continual self-growth. Evaluating your own granular beliefs and value systems will polish your leadership effectiveness. This element is the most substantial in Epigenetic Leadership.

    Just as you come with a unique set of characteristics, so does each and every other person with whom you come into contact. There is no one solution to leading others. Epigenetic Leadership guides you to consider someone else’s lived experiences, coping mechanisms, trauma responses, and perceptions before and during interactions with them.

    This structured seminar will walk you through techniques of self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-transcendence to ultimately offer an understanding of the ripple effect you may have on people and your environment. This ripple effect can be at the genetic level and can span generations.

    If you’d like to schedule a Seminar that’s not already on the schedule, contact me!


  • Half-day foundry (3 hours)

    If you feel good overall about your leadership and workplace culture but recognize opportunities for you and your colleagues to learn about niche topics, work on specific problem areas, or work on a visionary, liberatory growth mindset, foundries are a great choice.

    Leadership foundries are shorter sessions focused on just one or a few topics, concepts, or skills. They’re a great option for breakout sessions to go into more depth after a seminar or after you’ve implemented Epigenetic Leadership qualities into your practice.

    Smaller group sizes foster more group unity, deeper discussions, and more individual attention. This type of get-together is more informal, while still structured. Topics range from cognitive biases to conflict resolution, ethical dilemmas to liberatory policy writing, or intent vs. impact to justice and equity. Let me know what your needs are, and I’ll tailor a foundry for you.

    If you’d like to schedule a Foundry that’s not already on the schedule, contact me!


  • Custom event

    Epigenetic Leadership is for anyone, and this type of leadership can be applied anywhere — workplace, board rooms, home, clubs.

    If a six-hour seminar or a three-hour foundry doesn’t meet your needs but you’d still like to schedule an event tailored to your needs, please contact us. We will discuss your needs and work out the details.